
What is Poverty?Poverty is a state of being extremely poor, lacking the basic needs to sustain a dec...

What is Poverty?

Poverty is a state of being extremely poor, lacking the basic needs to sustain a decent life. It is a condition where a person or a community is unable to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, health care, and education.

The Causes of Poverty


There are several reasons why people fall into poverty, and these include:

  1. Unemployment: Lack of employment opportunities is one of the major causes of poverty. When people do not have jobs, they cannot earn enough money to support themselves and their families.
  2. Low Wages: Even when people have jobs, they may still be living in poverty due to low wages. Many people work long hours for very little pay, which makes it difficult for them to meet their basic needs.
  3. Lack of Education: Lack of education is another factor that contributes to poverty. Without education, people are less likely to get good jobs that pay well, and they may not have the skills needed to start their own businesses.
  4. Illness and Disability: Illness and disability can also lead to poverty. When people are sick or disabled, they may not be able to work, which means they cannot earn money to support themselves and their families.

The Effects of Poverty

Poverty has many negative effects on individuals, families, and communities, including:

  1. Health Problems: People living in poverty are more likely to suffer from health problems due to lack of access to proper health care, nutritious food, and clean water.
  2. Limited Opportunities: Poverty limits opportunities for education, employment, and social mobility, which can lead to a cycle of poverty that is difficult to break.
  3. Crime and Violence: Poverty can lead to an increase in crime and violence as people struggle to survive and may turn to illegal activities to make money.
  4. Homelessness: People living in poverty may not have access to safe and affordable housing, which can lead to homelessness.

The Importance of Addressing Poverty

Poverty is a global problem that affects millions of people around the world. It is important to address poverty because:

  1. Human Rights: Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living, and poverty violates this basic human right.
  2. Economic Growth: Poverty can hinder economic growth by limiting opportunities for education and employment, which can lead to a lack of innovation and productivity.
  3. Social Justice: Addressing poverty is an issue of social justice, as it seeks to create a more equitable and fair society for all.


Poverty is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. By understanding the causes and effects of poverty, we can work towards creating a world where everyone has access to the basic necessities of life and the opportunity to thrive.

